
Get Your Official Boating Licence Today!

  • Comprehensive Training
    Study and take the final test online. Unlimited retries to pass the final test. Bonus lessons on trailering, docking and locks included!
  • 80 Years of Experience
    Unparalleled experience. We deliver safe boating through comprehensive education and training.
  • Valid in the U.S.
    We are the only boating license accredited by Transport Canada and recognized by the US Coast Guard.

Discover Waterways 

Discovery Waterways is your number one portal to all things boating on some of Ontario’s most spectacular waterways. At your fingertips or just a click away, their publications will give you every ounce of information you need to have the best cruising adventure possible this season. 

Discover and enjoy the magnificent waterways of the Trent-Severn Waterway, the Rideau Canal and the 1000 Islands Gananaque, Georgian Bay and, The North Channel and Manitoulin Island.

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Boating Ontario 

Boating is an every-Canadian sport; whether you are just starting out in boating or you have spent years exploring the waterways, there is always something for everyone with numerous options for getting out on the water. The best part? Boating allows you to disconnect from the everyday hustle and reconnect with more important aspects of life: family, health, and nature. 

How Boating Ontario can help 

Boating Ontario proudly represents over 500 member companies throughout the province of Ontario including private & municipal marina operators, boat dealers, brokers, and suppliers in Ontario’s diverse recreational boating industry.

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